What are the three Cs of communications? Clarity. Clarity. Clarity.
(60 second read)
What are the three Cs of communication?
Clarity. Clarity. Clarity.
1. Clarity – of purpose: why are you communicating? If you don’t know, don’t do it. It will confuse everyone.
2. Clarity – of audience: who do you want to listen? If you aren’t clear who they are, what makes them tick, what turns them off, don’t do it. They won’t get it.
3. Clarity – of action: what do you want people to do? If you aren’t 100% sure, don’t do it. People won’t act, they’ll just be irritated. And they won’t listen next time.
PS – these are not only (hardly ever?) questions for communicators to answer – these are strategic decisions for organisational decision makers first off.
Sometimes you just can’t clarify an unclear plan. (But you can ask the questions that might get you there…)